Monday, May 13, 2013

How to Repaint a Mercedes to Add Value

1. Sand the surface of the entire car with 220-grit sandpaper. This prepares the surface for painting, since paint will not adhere to an otherwise smooth surface for long. The 220-grit sandpaper also removes any scratches or nicks in the surface of the Mercedes.
2. Place masking tape and paper over any areas on the Mercedes that will not be painted. Cover the grill, lights, trim, mirrors, glass, tires and rims, door handles and locks. Wipe the surface with wax and grease remover and a towel to remove all fingerprints and other contaminants. The wax and grease remover evaporates quickly, so it does not need to be cleaned off.
3. Hold the spray can of primer six to eight inches from the surface of the car. Spray a coat of primer over the car, starting at the top, and work down. Use left and right motions when spraying, not up and down. Let the primer dry for 30 minutes.
4. Sand the primer surface using 600-grit sandpaper and water, and then again with 1,200-grit sandpaper and water. Keep the sandpaper soaking wet while sanding. The best way is to hold a running water hose above the sandpaper while sanding. The 600- and 1,200-grit sandpaper smooths the primer, and the water keeps any sanding buildup from sticking on the sandpaper and causing deep scratches.
5. Rinse the Mercedes with water and allow it to dry completely. Wipe the dry surface with wax and grease remover and a towel. Replace any masking tape or paper that has moved or become unusable from exposure to the water.
6. Spray the paint over the surface of the car using the same spraying techniques used with the primer. Begin at the top of the Mercedes and work down, using left and right strokes. Apply a total of three to five coats of paint, keeping them thin to avoid runs in the paint. Let the paint dry for 24 hours before handling the surface.